Reversed Notes

Date : 04/10/2024

Reversed Roles ✍️🔄✨
Get ready to flip the script! In this exciting writing challenge, you’ll have 15 minutes ⏳ to create a story where the roles of characters are hilariously reversed! Imagine a world where a cat is the boss and a human is the pet, or where superheroes have mundane jobs. The possibilities are endless! 🐱💼
How It Works:
1. Write Your Story: 🖋️ You’ll have 15 minutes to craft a short story (max 500 words) featuring reversed roles.
2. Submit & Share: 📜 Hand in your story for judging based on creativity, humor, and originality.
Time: 3:30 PM ⏰
Venue: S238 🏫
Get ready to unleash your imagination!