ORI – Office of Research Integrity

Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

At Sree Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering (SNGCE), the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) stands as a beacon of ethical conduct, safeguarding the integrity of the research process and fostering a culture of responsible inquiry. ORI's unwavering commitment to upholding ethical standards ensures that the research endeavours not only contribute to the advancement of knowledge but also adhere to the highest principles of honesty, accountability, and respect.

Mission and Vision

ORI's mission is to promote and maintain the highest ethical standards in all research activities conducted at the campus. This mission is guided by the vision of establishing the campus as a leading institution of higher learning that is recognized for its unwavering commitment to ethical research practices.

Core Responsibilities

ORI's responsibilities encompass a comprehensive range of activities that encompass the entire research lifecycle, from conception to finalisation:

1. Educating the Research Community: ORI plays a crucial role in educating faculty, students, and staff about research ethics, providing comprehensive training programs, workshops, and seminars to instil a deep understanding of ethical principles and guidelines.
2. Overseeing Research Misconduct Investigations: ORI maintains a robust framework for investigating allegations of research misconduct, ensuring a fair and impartial process that adheres to due process and protects the rights of all parties involved.

3. Promoting Ethical Research Practices: ORI actively collaborates with the research community to develop and implement policies, procedures, and guidelines that promote ethical research practices across all disciplines.

4. Serving as a Resource for Researchers: ORI serves as a trusted resource for researchers, providing guidance and support on a wide range of ethical issues, including conflict of interest, data management, authorship, and compliance with research regulations.

Contributions to Research Excellence

ORI's contributions to research excellence are manifold:
1. Enhancing Research Credibility and Trustworthiness: ORI's unwavering commitment to ethical research practices helps to maintain the credibility and trustworthiness of research, ensuring that the college's research findings are reliable, accurate, and free from bias.

2. Protecting Researcher’s Rights: ORI prioritizes the protection of research participants' rights and well-being, ensuring that they are informed, respected, and treated with dignity throughout the research process.

3. Fostering a Culture of Responsible Research: ORI's educational initiatives and oversight mechanisms cultivate a culture of responsible research within the campus community, where ethical principles are deeply ingrained and upheld.

4. Maintaining Compliance with Research Regulations: ORI ensures that the campus adheres to all applicable research regulations, safeguarding the college from potential legal and reputational risks associated with non-compliance.

The Office of Research Integrity stands as a testament to the college's unwavering commitment to ethical research practices. ORI's dedication to promoting responsible conduct of research, protecting the rights of research participants, and fostering a culture of integrity has played a pivotal role in establishing this campus as a leading institution of higher learning, recognized for its ethical research endeavours. As SNGCE continues to push the boundaries of knowledge, ORI will remain a steadfast guardian of ethical principles, ensuring that the college's research legacy is built upon a foundation of integrity and trust.